Source code for dragonchain_sdk.dragonchain_client

# Copyright 2020 Dragonchain, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
import logging
from typing import cast, Any, Dict, Optional, Union, List, Iterable, TYPE_CHECKING

from dragonchain_sdk import request
from dragonchain_sdk import credentials

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    from dragonchain_sdk.types import request_response, custom_index_fields_type, permissions_doc  # noqa: F401 used by typing

[docs]class Client(object): def __init__( self, dragonchain_id: Optional[str], auth_key_id: Optional[str], auth_key: Optional[str], endpoint: Optional[str], verify: bool, algorithm: str, ): self.credentials = credentials.Credentials(dragonchain_id, auth_key, auth_key_id, algorithm) self.request = request.Request(self.credentials, endpoint, verify) logger.debug("Client finished initialization")
[docs] def get_smart_contract_secret(self, secret_name: str) -> str: """Gets secrets for smart contracts Args: secret_name (str): name of the secret to retrieve Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types RuntimeError: if not running in a smart contract environment Returns: String of the value of the specified secret """ if not isinstance(secret_name, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "secret_name" must be of type str.') if not os.environ.get("SMART_CONTRACT_ID"): raise RuntimeError('Missing "SMART_CONTRACT_ID" from environment') path = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.sep), "var", "openfaas", "secrets", "sc-{}-{}".format(os.environ.get("SMART_CONTRACT_ID"), secret_name) ) return open(path, "r").read()
[docs] def get_status(self) -> "request_response": """Get the status from a chain Returns: Returns the status of a Dragonchain """ return self.request.get("/v1/status")
[docs] def list_smart_contracts(self) -> "request_response": """Get all smart contracts on a chain Returns: A list of all the smart contracts on the chain """ return self.request.get("/v1/contract")
[docs] def get_smart_contract(self, smart_contract_id: Optional[str] = None, transaction_type: Optional[str] = None) -> "request_response": """Perform a query on a chain's smart contracts Args: smart_contract_id (str, exclusive): Id of the contract to get transaction_type (str, exclusive): Name of the Transaction Type bound to this contract. Usually the contract "name" Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types Returns: The contract returned from the request """ if smart_contract_id is not None and not isinstance(smart_contract_id, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "smart_contract_id" must be of type str.') if transaction_type is not None and not isinstance(transaction_type, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "transaction_type" must be of type str.') if smart_contract_id and transaction_type: raise TypeError('Only one of "smart_contract_id" and "transaction_type" can be specified') if smart_contract_id: return self.request.get("/v1/contract/{}".format(smart_contract_id)) elif transaction_type: return self.request.get("/v1/contract/txn_type/{}".format(transaction_type)) else: raise ValueError('At least one of "smart_contract_id" or "transaction_type" must be specified')
[docs] def get_smart_contract_logs(self, smart_contract_id: str, tail: Optional[int] = 100, since: Optional[str] = None) -> "request_response": """Perform a query on a chain's smart contracts logs Args: smart_contract_id (str): Id of the contract to get tail (int, optional): The number of logs to return since (str, optional): rfc3339 date string, returns all logs since this date string Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types ValueError: when no smart_contract_id provided Returns: The contract returned from the request """ query_dict = cast(Dict[str, Any], {}) if not smart_contract_id: raise ValueError('Parameter "smart_contract_id" must be specified') if not isinstance(smart_contract_id, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "smart_contract_id" must be of type str.') if tail is not None: if not isinstance(tail, int): raise TypeError('Parameter "tail" must be of type int.') query_dict["tail"] = tail if since is not None: if not isinstance(since, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "since" must be of type str.') query_dict["since"] = since return self.request.get("/v1/contract/{}/logs{}".format(smart_contract_id, self.request.generate_query_string(query_dict)))
[docs] def create_smart_contract( # noqa: C901 self, transaction_type: str, image: str, cmd: str, args: Optional[List[str]] = None, execution_order: str = "parallel", environment_variables: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, secrets: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, schedule_interval_in_seconds: Optional[int] = None, cron_expression: Optional[str] = None, registry_credentials: Optional[str] = None, custom_index_fields: Optional[Iterable["custom_index_fields_type"]] = None, ) -> "request_response": """Post a contract to a chain Args: transaction_type (str): transaction_type of the contract to create image (str): Docker image containing the smart contract logic cmd (str): Entrypoint command to run in the docker container execution_order (optional, str): Order of execution. Valid values are 'serial' or 'parallel'. default: 'parallel' args (optional, list): List of arguments to the cmd field environment_variables (optional, dict): dict mapping of environment variables for your contract runtime secrets (optional, dict): dict mapping of secrets for your contract runtime schedule_interval_in_seconds (optional, int): The seconds of scheduled execution in seconds. Must not be set if cron_expression is set cron_expression (optional, str): The rate of scheduled execution specified as a cron. Must not be set if schedule_interval_in_seconds is set registry_credentials (optional, str): basic-auth for pulling docker images, base64 encoded (e.g. username:password) custom_index_fields (optional): Custom index fields to assign to the transaction type for this smart contract. See create_transaction_type for details Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types Returns: Success or failure object """ if custom_index_fields is None: custom_index_fields = [] if not isinstance(transaction_type, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "transaction_type" must be of type str.') if not isinstance(image, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "image" must be of type str.') if not isinstance(cmd, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "cmd" must be of type str.') if args is not None and not isinstance(args, list): raise TypeError('Parameter "args" must be of type list.') if not isinstance(execution_order, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "execution_order" must be of type str.') if execution_order is not None and execution_order not in ["parallel", "serial"]: raise ValueError('Parameter "execution_order" must be either "serial" or "parallel".') if environment_variables is not None and not isinstance(environment_variables, dict): raise TypeError('Parameter "environment_variables" must be of type dict.') if secrets is not None and not isinstance(secrets, dict): raise TypeError('Parameter "secrets" must be of type dict.') if schedule_interval_in_seconds is not None and cron_expression is not None: raise ValueError('Parameter "schedule_interval_in_seconds" and "cron_expression" can not both be set') if schedule_interval_in_seconds is not None and not isinstance(schedule_interval_in_seconds, int): raise TypeError('Parameter "schedule_interval_in_seconds" must be of type int.') if cron_expression is not None and not isinstance(cron_expression, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "cron_expression" must be of type str.') if registry_credentials is not None and not isinstance(registry_credentials, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "registry_credentials" must be of type str.') if not isinstance(custom_index_fields, list): raise TypeError('Parameter "custom_index_fields" must be of type list.') body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "3", "txn_type": transaction_type, "image": image, "cmd": cmd, "execution_order": execution_order}) if environment_variables: body["env"] = environment_variables if args: body["args"] = args if secrets: body["secrets"] = secrets if schedule_interval_in_seconds: body["seconds"] = schedule_interval_in_seconds if cron_expression: body["cron"] = cron_expression if registry_credentials: body["auth"] = registry_credentials if custom_index_fields: body["custom_indexes"] = _validate_and_build_custom_index_fields_array(custom_index_fields) return"/v1/contract", body)
[docs] def update_smart_contract( # noqa: C901 self, smart_contract_id: str, image: Optional[str] = None, cmd: Optional[str] = None, args: Optional[List[str]] = None, execution_order: Optional[str] = None, enabled: Optional[bool] = None, environment_variables: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, secrets: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, schedule_interval_in_seconds: Optional[int] = None, cron_expression: Optional[str] = None, registry_credentials: Optional[str] = None, disable_schedule: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> "request_response": """Update an existing smart contract. The smart_contract_id and at least one optional parameter must be supplied. Args: smart_contract_id (str): id of the contract to update image (str): Docker image containing the smart contract logic cmd (str): Entrypoint command to run in the docker container execution_order (str): Order of execution. Valid values are 'serial' or 'parallel' enabled (bool, optional): Enabled status of contract args (list, optional): List of arguments to the cmd field environment_variables (dict, optional): dict mapping of environment variables for your contract runtime secrets (dict, optional): dict mapping of secrets for your contract runtime schedule_interval_in_seconds (int, optional): The seconds of scheduled execution in seconds cron_expression (str, optional): The rate of scheduled execution specified as a cron registry_credentials (str, optional): basic-auth for pulling docker images, base64 encoded (e.g. username:password) disable_schedule (bool, optional): Set True to remove the existing schedule_interval_in_seconds or cron_expression from the contract Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types Returns: Success or failure object """ if not isinstance(smart_contract_id, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "smart_contract_id" must be of type str.') if image is not None and not isinstance(image, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "image" must be of type str.') if cmd is not None and not isinstance(cmd, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "cmd" must be of type str.') if execution_order is not None and not isinstance(execution_order, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "execution_order" must be of type str.') if execution_order is not None and execution_order not in ["parallel", "serial"]: raise ValueError('Parameter "execution_order" must be either "serial" or "parallel".') if enabled is not None and not isinstance(enabled, bool): raise TypeError('Parameter "enabled" must be of type bool.') if args is not None and not isinstance(args, list): raise TypeError('Parameter "args" must be of type list.') if environment_variables is not None and not isinstance(environment_variables, dict): raise TypeError('Parameter "env" must be of type dict.') if secrets is not None and not isinstance(secrets, dict): raise TypeError('Parameter "secrets" must be of type dict.') if schedule_interval_in_seconds is not None and not isinstance(schedule_interval_in_seconds, int): raise TypeError('Parameter "schedule_interval_in_seconds" must be of type int.') if cron_expression is not None and not isinstance(cron_expression, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "cron_expression" must be of type str.') if registry_credentials is not None and not isinstance(registry_credentials, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "registry_credentials" must be of type str.') if disable_schedule is not None and not isinstance(disable_schedule, bool): raise TypeError('Parameter "disable_schedule" must be of type bool.') body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "3"}) if image: body["image"] = image if cmd: body["cmd"] = cmd if execution_order: body["execution_order"] = execution_order if enabled is False: body["desired_state"] = "inactive" if enabled is True: body["desired_state"] = "active" if args: body["args"] = args if environment_variables: body["env"] = environment_variables if secrets: body["secrets"] = secrets if schedule_interval_in_seconds: body["seconds"] = schedule_interval_in_seconds if cron_expression: body["cron"] = cron_expression if registry_credentials: body["auth"] = registry_credentials if disable_schedule: body["disable_schedule"] = True return self.request.put("/v1/contract/{}".format(smart_contract_id), body)
[docs] def delete_smart_contract(self, smart_contract_id: Optional[str] = None, transaction_type: Optional[str] = None) -> "request_response": """Delete an existing contract Args: smart_contract_id (str, optional): Contract ID of the contract to delete transaction_type (str, optional): Transaction type of the contract to delete Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types Returns: The results of the delete request """ if smart_contract_id and transaction_type: raise TypeError('Only one of "smart_contract_id" or "transaction_type" can be specified') if smart_contract_id and not isinstance(smart_contract_id, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "smart_contract_id" must be of type str.') if transaction_type and not isinstance(transaction_type, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "transaction_type" must be of type str.') if smart_contract_id: return self.request.delete("/v1/contract/{}".format(smart_contract_id)) if transaction_type: return self.request.delete("/v1/contract/txn_type/{}".format(transaction_type)) raise TypeError('At least one of "smart_contract_id" or "transaction_type" must be supplied')
[docs] def query_transactions( self, transaction_type: str, redisearch_query: str, verbatim: bool = False, offset: int = 0, limit: int = 10, sort_by: str = "", sort_ascending: bool = True, ids_only: bool = False, ) -> "request_response": """Perform a query on a chain's transactions Args: transaction_type (str): The single transaction type to query redisearch_query (str): Redisearch query syntax string to search with verbatim (bool, optional): Whether or not to use redisearch's VERBATIM (if true, no stemming occurs on the query) offset (int, optional): Pagination offset of query (default 0) limit (int, optional): Pagination limit (default 10) sort_by (str, optional): The name of the field to sort by sort_ascending (bool, optional): If sort_by is set, this sorts the results by field in ascending order (descending if false) ids_only (bool, optional): If true, rather than an array of transaction objects, it will return an array of transaction id strings instead Returns: The results of the query """ if not transaction_type or not isinstance(transaction_type, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "transaction_type" must be of type str.') if not redisearch_query or not isinstance(redisearch_query, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "redisearch_query" must be of type str.') if not isinstance(verbatim, bool): raise TypeError('Parameter "verbatim" must be of type bool.') if not isinstance(offset, int): raise TypeError('Parameter "offset" must be of type int.') if not isinstance(limit, int): raise TypeError('Parameter "limit" must be of type int.') if not isinstance(sort_by, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "sort_by" must be of type str.') if not isinstance(sort_ascending, bool): raise TypeError('Parameter "sort_ascending" must be of type bool.') if not isinstance(ids_only, bool): raise TypeError('Parameter "ids_only" must be of type bool.') query_dict = cast( Dict[str, Any], { "transaction_type": transaction_type, "q": redisearch_query, "verbatim": verbatim, "offset": offset, "limit": limit, "id_only": ids_only, }, ) if sort_by: query_dict["sort_by"] = sort_by query_dict["sort_asc"] = sort_ascending return self.request.get("/v1/transaction{}".format(self.request.generate_query_string(query_dict)))
[docs] def get_transaction(self, transaction_id: str) -> "request_response": """Get a specific transaction by id Args: transaction_id (str): ID of the transaction to get (should be a UUID) Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types Returns: The transaction searched for """ if not isinstance(transaction_id, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "transaction_id" must be of type str.') return self.request.get("/v1/transaction/{}".format(transaction_id))
[docs] def create_transaction( self, transaction_type: str, payload: Union[str, Dict[Any, Any]], tag: Optional[str] = None, callback_url: Optional[str] = None ) -> "request_response": """Post a transaction to a chain Args: transaction_type (str): Type of transaction payload (dict or string): The payload of the transaction tag (str, optional): A tag string to search on Returns: Transaction ID on success """ headers = {} if callback_url: headers["X-Callback-Url"] = callback_url return"/v1/transaction", _build_transaction_dict(transaction_type, payload, tag), additional_headers=headers)
[docs] def create_bulk_transaction(self, transaction_list: List[Dict[Any, Any]]) -> "request_response": """Post many transactions to a chain at once, over a single connnection Args: transaction_list (list): List of transaction dictionaries. Schema: ``{'transaction_type': 'str', 'payload': 'str or dict', 'tag': 'str (optional)'}`` Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types Returns: List of succeeded transaction id's and list of failed transactions """ if not isinstance(transaction_list, list): raise TypeError('Parameter "transaction_list" must be of type list.') post_data = [] for transaction in transaction_list: if not isinstance(transaction, dict): raise TypeError('All items in parameter "transaction_list" must be of type dict.') post_data.append( _build_transaction_dict(transaction.get("transaction_type") or "", transaction.get("payload") or "", transaction.get("tag") or "") ) return"/v1/transaction_bulk", post_data)
[docs] def query_blocks( self, redisearch_query: str, offset: int = 0, limit: int = 10, sort_by: str = "", sort_ascending: bool = True, ids_only: bool = False ) -> "request_response": """Perform a query on a chain's blocks Args: redisearch_query (str): Redisearch query syntax string to search with offset (int, optional): Pagination offset of query (default 0) limit (int, optional): Pagination limit (default 10) sort_by (str, optional): The name of the field to sort by sort_ascending (bool, optional): If sort_by is set, this sorts the results by field in ascending order (descending if false) ids_only (bool, optional): If true, rather than an array of block objects, it will return an array of block id strings instead Returns: The results of the query """ if not redisearch_query or not isinstance(redisearch_query, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "redisearch_query" must be of type str.') if not isinstance(offset, int): raise TypeError('Parameter "offset" must be of type int.') if not isinstance(limit, int): raise TypeError('Parameter "limit" must be of type int.') if not isinstance(sort_by, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "sort_by" must be of type str.') if not isinstance(sort_ascending, bool): raise TypeError('Parameter "sort_ascending" must be of type bool.') if not isinstance(ids_only, bool): raise TypeError('Parameter "ids_only" must be of type bool.') query_dict = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"q": redisearch_query, "offset": offset, "limit": limit, "id_only": ids_only}) if sort_by: query_dict["sort_by"] = sort_by query_dict["sort_asc"] = sort_ascending return self.request.get("/v1/block{}".format(self.request.generate_query_string(query_dict)))
[docs] def get_block(self, block_id: str) -> "request_response": """Get a specific block by id Args: block_id (str): ID of the block to get Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types Returns: The block which was retrieved from the chain """ if not isinstance(block_id, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "block_id" must be of type str.') return self.request.get("/v1/block/{}".format(block_id))
[docs] def get_pending_verifications(self, block_id: str) -> "request_response": """Get chain ids for pending and/or scheduled verifications Args: block_id (str): ID of the block to get pending verifications for Returns: Chain ids at each level (2-5) for verifications that are scheduled or sent, but not receieved """ if not isinstance(block_id, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "block_id" must be of type str.') return self.request.get("/v1/verifications/pending/{}".format(block_id))
[docs] def get_verifications(self, block_id: str, level: Optional[int] = None) -> "request_response": """Get higher level block verifications by level 1 block id Args: block_id (str): ID of the block to get verifications for level (int, optional): Level of verifications to get (valid values are 2, 3, 4 and 5) Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types Returns: Higher level block verifications """ if not isinstance(block_id, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "block_id" must be of type str.') if level is not None: if not isinstance(level, int): raise TypeError('Parameter "level" must be of int.') if level not in [2, 3, 4, 5]: raise ValueError('Parameter "level" must be between 2 and 5 inclusive.') return self.request.get("/v1/verifications/{}?level={}".format(block_id, level)) return self.request.get("/v1/verifications/{}".format(block_id))
[docs] def get_api_key(self, key_id: str) -> "request_response": """Get information about an HMAC API key Args: key_id (str): The ID of the api key to retrieve data about Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types Returns: Data about the API key """ if not isinstance(key_id, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "key_id" must be of type str.') return self.request.get("/v1/api-key/{}".format(key_id))
[docs] def list_api_keys(self) -> "request_response": """List of HMAC API keys Returns: A list of key IDs and their associated data """ return self.request.get("/v1/api-key")
[docs] def create_api_key(self, nickname: Optional[str] = None, permissions_document: Optional["permissions_doc"] = None) -> "request_response": """Generate a new HMAC API key Args: nickname (str, optional): The nickname to give to this new api key permissions_document (dict, optional): The permissions dictionary to use with this key. Check `the dragonchain core docs <>`_ for more details Returns: The newly created api key """ body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {}) if nickname: if not isinstance(nickname, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "nickname" must be of type str.') body["nickname"] = nickname if permissions_document: if not isinstance(permissions_document, dict): raise TypeError('Parameter "permissions_document" must be of type dict.') body["permissions_document"] = permissions_document return"/v1/api-key", body)
[docs] def delete_api_key(self, key_id: str) -> "request_response": """Delete an existing HMAC API key Args: key_id (str): The id of the api key to delete Returns: Generic success message """ if not isinstance(key_id, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "key_id" must be of type str.') return self.request.delete("/v1/api-key/{}".format(key_id))
[docs] def update_api_key( self, key_id: str, nickname: Optional[str] = None, permissions_document: Optional["permissions_doc"] = None ) -> "request_response": """Update the nickname of an existing HMAC API key Args: key_id (str): The id of the key to update nickname (str, optional): The nickname to set on this api key permissions_document (dict, optional): The permissions dictionary to set with this key. Check `the dragonchain core docs <>`_ for more details Returns: The updated api key """ if not isinstance(key_id, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "key_id" must be of type str.') body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {}) if nickname: if not isinstance(nickname, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "nickname" must be of type str.') body["nickname"] = nickname if permissions_document: if not isinstance(permissions_document, dict): raise TypeError('Parameter "permissions_document" must be of type dict.') body["permissions_document"] = permissions_document return self.request.put("/v1/api-key/{}".format(key_id), body)
[docs] def get_smart_contract_object(self, key: str, smart_contract_id: Optional[str] = None) -> "request_response": """Retrieve data from the object storage of a smart contract Note: When ran in an actual smart contract, smart_contract_id will be pulled automatically from the environment if not explicitly provided Args: key (str): The key stored in the heap to retrieve smart_contract_id (str, optional): The ID of the smart contract, optional if called from within a smart contract Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types Returns: The value of the object in the heap """ if not isinstance(key, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "key" must be of type str.') if smart_contract_id is None: smart_contract_id = os.environ.get("SMART_CONTRACT_ID") if not isinstance(smart_contract_id, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "smart_contract_id" must be of type str.') return self.request.get("/v1/get/{}/{}".format(smart_contract_id, key), parse_response=False)
[docs] def list_smart_contract_objects(self, prefix_key: Optional[str] = None, smart_contract_id: Optional[str] = None) -> "request_response": """Lists all objects stored in a smart contracts heap Note: When ran in an actual smart contract, smart_contract_id will be pulled automatically from the environment if not explicitly provided Args: smart_contract_id (str, optional): smart_contract_id heap to list. If not provided explicitly, it must be in the SMART_CONTRACT_NAME env var prefix_key (str, optional): the prefix_key or "folder" from which to list objects. Must NOT contain trailing slash "/". Note: Defaults to the root of the accessable filesystem + /list/{smart_contract_id}/ Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types ValueError: with bad parameter values Returns: Parsed json response from the chain """ if smart_contract_id is None: smart_contract_id = os.environ.get("SMART_CONTRACT_ID") if not isinstance(smart_contract_id, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "smart_contract_id" must be of type str.') if prefix_key is not None: if not isinstance(prefix_key, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "prefix_key" must be of type str.') if prefix_key.endswith("/"): raise ValueError('Parameter "prefix_key" cannot end with /.') return self.request.get("/v1/list/{}/{}/".format(smart_contract_id, prefix_key)) return self.request.get("/v1/list/{}/".format(smart_contract_id))
[docs] def get_transaction_type(self, transaction_type: str) -> "request_response": """Gets information on a registered transaction type Args: transaction_type (str): transaction_type to retrieve data for Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types Returns: parsed json response of the transaction type or None """ if not isinstance(transaction_type, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "transaction_type" must be of type str.') return self.request.get("/v1/transaction-type/{}".format(transaction_type))
[docs] def list_transaction_types(self) -> "request_response": """Lists out all registered transaction types for a chain Returns: list of registered transaction types """ return self.request.get("/v1/transaction-types")
[docs] def create_transaction_type( self, transaction_type: str, custom_index_fields: Optional[Iterable["custom_index_fields_type"]] = None ) -> "request_response": """Creates a new custom transaction type. Args: transaction_type (str): transaction_type to update custom_index_fields (optional): custom index fields to create. Ex.: ``[{"path":"a.b","field_name":"myField","type":"text","options":{"no_index":True}}]`` Transaction Types can optionally link custom search index fields to your transactions for easier querying later. A custom_index_field is a dictionary with 'path', 'field_name', 'type', and an optional 'options' dictionary: - path (str): the JSONPath of your transaction payload you would like to result form a search on the "key" - field_name (str): The field for this custom extracted value to be indexed under - type ('text', 'tag', or 'number'): The type of redisearch index to use for this field - options: (object) The redisearch options for this field - no_index (bool) (all types) whether or not to index on this field, or simply make it sortable only if false - separator (str) (tag only) what string should be used for the tag separator - weight (number) (text only) The weight to give this text field when doing text queries - no_stem (bool) (text only) Whether or not to allow search stemming in text searches on this field - sortable (bool) (text and number only) Whether or not a search on the index can be sortable by this field See `the redisearch docs <>`_ for more details on these options Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types Returns: Parsed json with success message """ if custom_index_fields is None: custom_index_fields = [] if not isinstance(transaction_type, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "transaction_type" must be of type str.') if not isinstance(custom_index_fields, (list, set, tuple)): raise TypeError('Parameter "custom_index_fields" must be iterable.') params = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "2", "txn_type": transaction_type}) if custom_index_fields: params["custom_indexes"] = _validate_and_build_custom_index_fields_array(custom_index_fields) return"/v1/transaction-type", params)
[docs] def delete_transaction_type(self, transaction_type: str) -> "request_response": """Deletes a transaction type registration Args: transaction_type (str): transaction_type to delete Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types Returns: Parsed json with success message """ if not isinstance(transaction_type, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "transaction_type" must be of type str.') return self.request.delete("/v1/transaction-type/{}".format(transaction_type))
[docs] def create_bitcoin_interchain( self, name: str, testnet: Optional[bool] = None, private_key: Optional[str] = None, rpc_address: Optional[str] = None, rpc_authorization: Optional[str] = None, utxo_scan: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> "request_response": """Create (or overwrite) a bitcoin wallet/network for interchain use Args: name (str): The name to use for this network. Will overwrite if providing a name that already exists testnet (bool, optional): Whether or not this is a testnet wallet/address (not required if providing private_key as WIF) private_key (str, optional): The base64 encoded private key, or WIF for the desired wallet. Will generate randomly if not provided rpc_address (str, optional): The endpoint of the bitcoin core RPC node to use (i.e. http://my-node:8332) rpc_authorization (str, optional): The base64-encoded username:password for the rpc node. For example, user: a pass: b would be 'YTpi' (base64("a:b")) utxo_scan (bool, optional): Whether or not to force a utxo-rescan for the address. If using a private key for an existing wallet with funds, this must be True to use its existing funds Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter values Returns: The created interchain network """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.') if testnet is not None and not isinstance(testnet, bool): raise TypeError('Parameter "testnet" must be of type bool.') if private_key is not None and not isinstance(private_key, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "private_key" must be of type str.') if rpc_address is not None and not isinstance(rpc_address, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "rpc_address" must be of type str.') if rpc_authorization is not None and not isinstance(rpc_authorization, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "rpc_authorization" must be of type str.') if utxo_scan is not None and not isinstance(utxo_scan, bool): raise TypeError('Parameter "utxo_scan" must be of type bool.') body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "1", "name": name}) if testnet is not None: body["testnet"] = testnet if utxo_scan is not None: body["utxo_scan"] = utxo_scan if private_key: body["private_key"] = private_key if rpc_address: body["rpc_address"] = rpc_address if rpc_authorization: body["rpc_authorization"] = rpc_authorization return"/v1/interchains/bitcoin", body)
[docs] def update_bitcoin_interchain( self, name: str, testnet: Optional[bool] = None, private_key: Optional[str] = None, rpc_address: Optional[str] = None, rpc_authorization: Optional[str] = None, utxo_scan: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> "request_response": """Update an existing bitcoin wallet/network for interchain use. Will only update the provided fields Args: name (str): The name of the network to update testnet (bool): Whether or not this is a testnet wallet/address (not required if providing private_key as WIF) private_key (str, optional): The base64 encoded private key, or WIF for the desired wallet rpc_address (str, optional): The endpoint of the bitcoin core RPC node to use (i.e. http://my-node:8332) rpc_authorization (str, optional): The base64-encoded username:password for the rpc node. For example, user: a pass: b would be 'YTpi' (base64("a:b")) utxo_scan (bool, optional): Whether or not to force a utxo-rescan for the address. If using a new private key for an existing wallet with funds, this must be True to use its existing funds Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter values Returns: The updated bitcoin interchain network """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.') if testnet is not None and not isinstance(testnet, bool): raise TypeError('Parameter "testnet" must be of type bool.') if private_key is not None and not isinstance(private_key, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "private_key" must be of type str.') if rpc_address is not None and not isinstance(rpc_address, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "rpc_address" must be of type str.') if rpc_authorization is not None and not isinstance(rpc_authorization, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "rpc_authorization" must be of type str.') if utxo_scan is not None and not isinstance(utxo_scan, bool): raise TypeError('Parameter "utxo_scan" must be of type bool.') body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "1"}) if testnet is not None: body["testnet"] = testnet if utxo_scan is not None: body["utxo_scan"] = utxo_scan if private_key: body["private_key"] = private_key if rpc_address: body["rpc_address"] = rpc_address if rpc_authorization: body["rpc_authorization"] = rpc_authorization return self.request.patch("/v1/interchains/bitcoin/{}".format(name), body)
[docs] def sign_bitcoin_transaction( self, name: str, satoshis_per_byte: Optional[int] = None, data: Optional[str] = None, change_address: Optional[str] = None, outputs: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, ) -> "request_response": """Create and sign a bitcoin transaction using your chain's interchain network Args: name (str): name of the bitcoin network to use for signing satoshis_per_byte (int, optional): fee to pay in satoshis/byte. If not supplied, it will be estimated for you. data (str, optional): string to embed in the transaction as null-data output type change_address (str, optional): address to send change to. If not supplied, it will default to the address you are sending from outputs (list, optional): (list of {'to': str, 'value': float} dictionaries. Value float is in BTC) Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types Returns: The built and signed transaction """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.') transaction = _build_bitcoin_transaction_body(satoshis_per_byte=satoshis_per_byte, data=data, change_address=change_address, outputs=outputs) return"/v1/interchains/bitcoin/{}/transaction".format(name), transaction)
[docs] def create_ethereum_interchain( self, name: str, private_key: Optional[str] = None, rpc_address: Optional[str] = None, chain_id: Optional[int] = None ) -> "request_response": """Create (or overwrite) an ethereum wallet/network for interchain use Args: name (str): The name to use for this network. Will overwrite if providing a name that already exists private_key (str, optional): The base64 or hex encoded private key. Will generate randomly if not provided rpc_address (str, optional): The endpoint of the ethereum RPC node to use (i.e. http://my-node:8545) chain_id (int, optional): The ethereum chain id to use. Will automatically derive this if providing a custom rpc_address Without providing a custom rpc_address, Dragonchain manages and supports: 1=ETH Mainnet|3=ETH Ropsten|61=ETC Mainnet Raises: TypeError: with bad parameters Returns: The created interchain network """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.') if private_key is not None and not isinstance(private_key, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "private_key" must be of type str.') if rpc_address is not None and not isinstance(rpc_address, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "rpc_address" must be of type str.') if chain_id is not None and not isinstance(chain_id, int): raise TypeError('Parameter "chain_id" must be of type int.') body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "1", "name": name}) if private_key: body["private_key"] = private_key if rpc_address: body["rpc_address"] = rpc_address if chain_id is not None: body["chain_id"] = chain_id return"/v1/interchains/ethereum", body)
[docs] def update_ethereum_interchain( self, name: str, private_key: Optional[str] = None, rpc_address: Optional[str] = None, chain_id: Optional[int] = None ) -> "request_response": """Update an existing ethereum wallet/network for interchain use Args: name (str): The name of the network to update private_key (str, optional): The base64 or hex encoded private key rpc_address (str, optional): The endpoint of the ethereum RPC node to use (i.e. http://my-node:8545) chain_id (int, optional): The ethereum chain id to use. Will automatically derive this if providing a custom rpc_address Without providing a custom rpc_address, Dragonchain manages and supports: 1=ETH Mainnet|3=ETH Ropsten|61=ETC Mainnet Raises: TypeError: with bad parameters Returns: The updated ethereum interchain network """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.') if private_key is not None and not isinstance(private_key, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "private_key" must be of type str.') if rpc_address is not None and not isinstance(rpc_address, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "rpc_address" must be of type str.') if chain_id is not None and not isinstance(chain_id, int): raise TypeError('Parameter "chain_id" must be of type int.') body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "1"}) if private_key: body["private_key"] = private_key if rpc_address: body["rpc_address"] = rpc_address if chain_id is not None: body["chain_id"] = chain_id return self.request.patch("/v1/interchains/ethereum/{}".format(name), body)
[docs] def sign_ethereum_transaction( self, name: str, to: str, value: str, data: Optional[str] = None, gas_price: Optional[str] = None, gas: Optional[str] = None, nonce: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "request_response": """Create and sign an ethereum transaction using your chain's interchain network Args: name (str): name of the ethereum network to use for signing to (str): hex of the address to send to value (str): hex value in wei to send data (str, optional): hex data to publish in the transaction gas_price (str, optional): hex value of the gas price to pay (in wei), if not supplied it will be estimated for you gas (str, optional): hex value of the maximum amount of gas allowed (gasLimit), if not supplied it will be estimated for you nonce (str, optional): hex value of the nonce ot use for this transaction, if not supplied it will be automatically determined Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types Returns: The built and signed transaction """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.') transaction = _build_ethereum_transaction_body(to=to, value=value, data=data, gas_price=gas_price, gas=gas, nonce=nonce) return"/v1/interchains/ethereum/{}/transaction".format(name), transaction)
[docs] def create_binance_interchain( self, name: str, testnet: Optional[bool] = None, private_key: Optional[str] = None, node_url: Optional[str] = None, rpc_port: Optional[int] = None, api_port: Optional[int] = None, ) -> "request_response": """Create (or overwrite) a binance wallet/network for interchain use Args: name (str): The name to use for this network. Will overwrite if providing a name that already exists testnet (bool, optional): Whether or not this is a testnet wallet/address. Defaults to True. private_key (str, optional): The base64 or hex encoded private key. Will generate randomly if not provided node_url (str, optional): The endpoint of the binance RPC node to use (i.e. http://my.node.address) rpc_port (int, optional): The port being used to hit the RPC endpoints (i.e. 27147) api_port (int, optional): The port being used to hit the API endpoints (i.e. 1169) Raises: TypeError: with bad parameters Returns: The created interchain network """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.') if testnet is not None and not isinstance(testnet, bool): raise TypeError('Parameter "testnet" must be of type bool.') if private_key is not None and not isinstance(private_key, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "private_key" must be of type str.') if node_url is not None and not isinstance(node_url, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "node_url" must be of type str.') if rpc_port is not None and not isinstance(rpc_port, int): raise TypeError('Parameter "rpc_port" must be of type str.') if api_port is not None and not isinstance(api_port, int): raise TypeError('Parameter "api_port" must be of type str.') body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "1", "name": name}) if testnet is not None: body["testnet"] = testnet if private_key: body["private_key"] = private_key if node_url: body["node_url"] = node_url if rpc_port: body["rpc_port"] = rpc_port if api_port: body["api_port"] = api_port return"/v1/interchains/binance", body)
[docs] def update_binance_interchain( self, name: str, testnet: Optional[bool] = None, private_key: Optional[str] = None, node_url: Optional[str] = None, rpc_port: Optional[int] = None, api_port: Optional[int] = None, ) -> "request_response": """Update an existing binance wallet/network for interchain use Args: name (str): The name of the network to update testnet (bool): Whether or not this is a testnet wallet/address private_key (str, optional): The base64 or hex encoded private key. Will generate randomly if not provided node_url (str, optional): The endpoint of the binance RPC node to use (i.e. http://my.node.address) rpc_port (int, optional): The port being used to hit the RPC endpoints (i.e. 27147) api_port (int, optional): The port being used to hit the API endpoints (i.e. 1169) Raises: TypeError: with bad parameters Returns: The updated interchain network """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.') if testnet is not None and not isinstance(testnet, bool): raise TypeError('Parameter "testnet" must be of type bool.') if private_key is not None and not isinstance(private_key, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "private_key" must be of type str.') if node_url is not None and not isinstance(node_url, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "node_url" must be of type str.') if rpc_port is not None and not isinstance(rpc_port, int): raise TypeError('Parameter "rpc_port" must be of type str.') if api_port is not None and not isinstance(api_port, int): raise TypeError('Parameter "api_port" must be of type str.') body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "1"}) if testnet is not None: body["testnet"] = testnet if private_key: body["private_key"] = private_key if node_url: body["node_url"] = node_url if rpc_port: body["rpc_port"] = rpc_port if api_port: body["api_port"] = api_port return self.request.patch("/v1/interchains/binance/{}".format(name), body)
[docs] def sign_binance_transaction( self, name: str, amount: int, to_address: str, symbol: Optional[str] = None, memo: Optional[str] = None ) -> "request_response": """Create and sign a binance transaction using your chain's interchain network Args: name (str): name of the binance network to use for signing amount (int): amount of token in transaction to_address (str): hex of the address to send to symbol (str, optional): the exchange symbol for the token (defaults to BNB) memo (str, optional): string of data to publish in the transaction (defaults to "") Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types Returns: The built and signed transaction """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.') transaction = _build_binance_transaction_body(symbol=symbol, amount=amount, to_address=to_address, memo=memo) return"/v1/interchains/binance/{}/transaction".format(name), transaction)
[docs] def get_interchain_network(self, blockchain: str, name: str) -> "request_response": """Get a configured interchain network/wallet from the chain Args: blockchain (str): The blockchain type to get (i.e. 'bitcoin', 'ethereum') name (str): The name of the that blockchain's network (set when creating the network) Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types Returns: The saved interchain network (exact schema depends on blockchain) """ if not isinstance(blockchain, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "blockchain" must be of type str.') if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.') return self.request.get("/v1/interchains/{}/{}".format(blockchain, name))
[docs] def delete_interchain_network(self, blockchain: str, name: str) -> "request_response": """Delete an interchain network/wallet from the chain Args: blockchain (str): The blockchain type to delete (i.e. 'bitcoin', 'ethereum') name (str): The name of the that blockchain's network (set when creating the network) Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types Returns: Success message """ if not isinstance(blockchain, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "blockchain" must be of type str.') if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.') return self.request.delete("/v1/interchains/{}/{}".format(blockchain, name))
[docs] def list_interchain_networks(self, blockchain: str) -> "request_response": """List all the interchain network/wallets for a blockchain type Args: blockchain (str): The blockchain type to get (i.e. 'bitcoin', 'ethereum') Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter type Returns: List of interchain networks for the specified blockchain type """ if not isinstance(blockchain, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "blockchain" must be of type str.') return self.request.get("/v1/interchains/{}".format(blockchain))
[docs] def set_default_interchain_network(self, blockchain: str, name: str) -> "request_response": """Set the default interchain network for the chain to use (L5 Only) Args: blockchain (str): The blockchain type to set (i.e. 'bitcoin', 'ethereum') name (str): The name of the that blockchain's network to use (set when creating the network) Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter type Returns: The interchain network which was set as default """ if not isinstance(blockchain, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "blockchain" must be of type str.') if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.') return"/v1/interchains/default", {"version": "1", "blockchain": blockchain, "name": name})
[docs] def get_default_interchain_network(self) -> "request_response": """Get the set default interchain network for this chain (L5 Only) Returns: The interchain network which was set as default """ return self.request.get("/v1/interchains/default")
[docs] def publish_interchain_transaction(self, blockchain: str, name: str, signed_transaction: str) -> "request_response": """Publish an interchain transaction that's already been signed Args: blockchain (str): The blockchain type to set (i.e. 'bitcoin', 'ethereum') name (str): The name of the that blockchain's network to use (set when creating the network) signed_transaction (str): Signed transaction string (return from sign_<network>_transaction function) Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter type Returns: The transaction hash (or equivalent) of the published transaction """ if not isinstance(blockchain, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "blockchain" must be of type str.') if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "name" must be of type str.') if not isinstance(signed_transaction, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "signed_transaction" must be of type str.') return "/v1/interchains/transaction/publish", {"version": "1", "blockchain": blockchain, "name": name, "signed_txn": signed_transaction} )
[docs] def create_bitcoin_transaction( self, network: str, satoshis_per_byte: Optional[int] = None, data: Optional[str] = None, change_address: Optional[str] = None, outputs: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, ) -> "request_response": """!This method is deprecated and should not be used! Backwards compatibility will exist for legacy chains, but will not work on new chains. sign_bitcoin_transaction should be used instead Create and sign a bitcoin transaction using your chain's private keys Args: network (str): network to create transaction for. Only valid values are ``BTC_MAINNET`` and ``BTC_TESTNET3`` satoshis_per_byte (int, optional): fee to pay in satoshis/byte. If not supplied, it will be estimated for you. data (str, optional): string to embed in the transaction as null-data output type change_address (str, optional): address to send change to. If not supplied, it will default to the address you are sending from outputs (list, optional): (list of {'to': str, 'value': float} dictionaries. Value float is in BTC) Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types ValueError: with bad parameter values Returns: The built and signed transaction """ logger.warning( "This method is deprecated. It will continue to work for legacy chains, but will not work on any new chains. Use sign_bitcoin_transaction instead" ) valid_networks = ["BTC_MAINNET", "BTC_TESTNET3"] if network not in valid_networks: raise ValueError('Parameter "network" must be one of {}.'.format(valid_networks)) transaction = _build_bitcoin_transaction_body(satoshis_per_byte=satoshis_per_byte, data=data, change_address=change_address, outputs=outputs) return"/v1/public-blockchain-transaction", body={"network": network, "transaction": transaction})
[docs] def create_ethereum_transaction( self, network: str, to: str, value: str, data: Optional[str] = None, gas_price: Optional[str] = None, gas: Optional[str] = None ) -> "request_response": """!This method is deprecated and should not be used! Backwards compatibility will exist for legacy chains, but will not work on new chains. sign_ethereum_transaction should be used instead Create and sign a public ethereum transaction using your chain's private keys Args: network (str): network to create transaction for. Only valid values are: ETH_MAINNET ETH_ROPSTEN ETC_MAINNET to (str): hex of the address to send to value (str): hex value (in wei) to send data (str, optional): hex data to publish in the transaction gas_price (str, optional): hex value of the gas price to pay (in wei), if not supplied it will be estimated for you gas (str, optional): hex value of the maximum amount of gas allowed (gasLimit), if not supplied it will be estimated for you Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types ValueError: with bad parameter values Returns: The built and signed transaction """ logger.warning( "This method is deprecated. It will continue to work for legacy chains, but will not work on any new chains. Use sign_ethereum_transaction instead" ) valid_networks = ["ETH_MAINNET", "ETH_ROPSTEN", "ETC_MAINNET"] if network not in valid_networks: raise ValueError('Parameter "network" must be one of {}.'.format(valid_networks)) transaction = _build_ethereum_transaction_body(to=to, value=value, data=data, gas_price=gas_price, gas=gas) return"/v1/public-blockchain-transaction", body={"network": network, "transaction": transaction})
[docs] def get_public_blockchain_addresses(self) -> "request_response": """!This method is deprecated and should not be used! Backwards compatibility will exist for legacy chains, but will not work on new chains. list_interchain_networks should be used instead Get interchain addresses for this Dragonchain node (L1 and L5 only) Returns: Dictionary containing addresses """ logger.warning( "This method is deprecated. It will continue to work for legacy chains, but will not work on any new chains. Use list_interchain_networks instead" ) return self.request.get("/v1/public-blockchain-address")
def _validate_and_build_custom_index_fields_array( # noqa: C901 custom_index_fields: Iterable["custom_index_fields_type"], ) -> List["custom_index_fields_type"]: """Validate a list of custom index fields and return a list which can be passed as a body for custom indexes to the chain Args: custom_index_fields: The iterable of the user-input custom index fields Raises: TypeError: with bad custom index parameters Returns: List of custom index fields to pass to the chain """ return_list = [] for cust_index in custom_index_fields: if not isinstance(cust_index, dict): raise TypeError('All items in "custom_index_fields" must be of type dict.') # Check all the required fields type_val = cust_index.get("type") path_val = cust_index.get("path") field_name_val = cust_index.get("field_name") options_val = cust_index.get("options") if not path_val or not isinstance(path_val, str): raise TypeError('All items in "custom_index_fields.path" must be of type str.') if type_val not in ["text", "tag", "number"]: raise TypeError('All items in "custom_index_fields.type" must be either "text", "tag", or "number".') if not field_name_val or not isinstance(field_name_val, str): raise TypeError('All items in "custom_index_fields.field_name" must be of type str.') # Check the (not required) options dict if it exists if options_val: if not isinstance(options_val, dict): raise TypeError('All items in "custom_index_fields.options" must be of type dict.') separator = options_val.get("separator") no_index = options_val.get("no_index") weight = options_val.get("weight") no_stem = options_val.get("no_stem") sortable = options_val.get("sortable") if separator and not isinstance(separator, str): raise TypeError('All items in "custom_index_fields.options.separator" must be of type str.') if no_index and not isinstance(no_index, bool): raise TypeError('All items in "custom_index_fields.options.no_index" must be of type bool.') if weight and not isinstance(weight, (int, float)): raise TypeError('All items in "custom_index_fields.options.weight" must be of type int or float.') if no_stem and not isinstance(no_stem, bool): raise TypeError('All items in "custom_index_fields.options.no_stem" must be of type bool.') if sortable and not isinstance(sortable, bool): raise TypeError('All items in "custom_index_fields.options.sortable" must be of type bool.') # Trim options val to only necessary values in case extras were passed in sending_options = {} if no_index is not None: sending_options["no_index"] = no_index if type_val == "tag": if separator is not None: sending_options["separator"] = separator elif type_val == "number": if sortable is not None: sending_options["sortable"] = sortable else: # Text is only one left if no_stem is not None: sending_options["no_stem"] = no_stem if weight is not None: sending_options["weight"] = weight if sortable is not None: sending_options["sortable"] = sortable options_val = sending_options return_list.append( cast("custom_index_fields_type", {"path": path_val, "type": type_val, "field_name": field_name_val, "options": options_val or {}}) ) return return_list def _build_transaction_dict(transaction_type: str, payload: Union[str, Dict[Any, Any]], tag: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Build the json (dictionary) body for a transaction given its inputs Args: transaction_type (str): The transaction type for this transaction payload (str, dict): The intended payload for this transaction tag (str, optional): The intended tag for this transaction Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types Returns: Dictionary body to use for sending as a transaction """ if not isinstance(transaction_type, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "transaction_type" must be of type str.') if not isinstance(payload, str) and not isinstance(payload, dict): raise TypeError('Parameter "payload" must be of type dict or str.') if tag is not None and not isinstance(tag, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "tag" must be of type str.') body = {"version": "1", "txn_type": transaction_type, "payload": payload} if tag: body["tag"] = tag return body def _build_ethereum_transaction_body( to: str, value: str, data: Optional[str] = None, gas_price: Optional[str] = None, gas: Optional[str] = None, nonce: Optional[str] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Build the json (dictionary) body for an ethereum transaction given its inputs Args: to (str): hex of the address to send to value (str): hex value (in wei) to send data (str, optional): hex data to publish in the transaction gas_price (str, optional): hex value of the gas price to pay (in wei), if not supplied it will be estimated for you gas (str, optional): hex value of the maximum amount of gas allowed (gasLimit), if not supplied it will be estimated for you nonce (str, optional): hex value of the nonce ot use for this transaction, if not supplied it will be automatically determined Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types Returns: Dictionary body to use for sending an ethereum transaction """ if not isinstance(to, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "to" must be of type str.') if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "value" must be of type str.') if data is not None and not isinstance(data, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "data" must be of type str.') if gas_price is not None and not isinstance(gas_price, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "gas_price" must be of type str.') if gas is not None and not isinstance(gas, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "gas" must be of type str.') if nonce is not None and not isinstance(nonce, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "nonce" must be of type str.') body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "1", "to": to, "value": value}) if data: body["data"] = data if gas_price: body["gasPrice"] = gas_price if gas: body["gas"] = gas if nonce: body["nonce"] = nonce return body def _build_bitcoin_transaction_body( satoshis_per_byte: Optional[int] = None, data: Optional[str] = None, change_address: Optional[str] = None, outputs: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Build the json (dictionary) body for a bitcoin transaction given its inputs Args: satoshis_per_byte (int, optional): fee to pay in satoshis/byte. If not supplied, it will be estimated for you. data (str, optional): string to embed in the transaction as null-data output type change_address (str, optional): address to send change to. If not supplied, it will default to the address you are sending from outputs (list, optional): (list of {'to': str, 'value': float} dictionaries. Value float is in BTC) Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types Returns: Dictionary body to use for sending a bitcoin transaction """ if satoshis_per_byte is not None and not isinstance(satoshis_per_byte, int): raise TypeError('Parameter "satoshis_per_byte" must be of type int.') if data is not None and not isinstance(data, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "data" must be of type str.') if change_address is not None and not isinstance(change_address, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "change_address" must be of type str.') if outputs is not None and not isinstance(outputs, list): raise TypeError('Parameter "outputs" must be of type list.') body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "1"}) if outputs: body["outputs"] = outputs if satoshis_per_byte: body["fee"] = satoshis_per_byte if data: body["data"] = data if change_address: body["change"] = change_address return body def _build_binance_transaction_body(amount: int, to_address: str, symbol: Optional[str] = None, memo: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Build the json (dictionary) body for a binance transaction given its inputs Args: amount (int): amount of token in transaction to_address (str): hex of the address to send to symbol (str, optional): the exchange symbol for the token (defaults to BNB) memo (str, optional): string of data to publish in the transaction (defaults to "") Raises: TypeError: with bad parameter types Returns: Dictionary body to use for sending a binance transaction """ if not isinstance(amount, int): raise TypeError('Parameter "amount" must be of type int.') if not isinstance(to_address, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "to_address" must be of type str.') if symbol is not None and not isinstance(symbol, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "symbol" must be of type str.') if memo is not None and not isinstance(memo, str): raise TypeError('Parameter "memo" must be of type str.') body = cast(Dict[str, Any], {"version": "1", "amount": amount, "to_address": to_address}) if symbol: body["symbol"] = symbol if memo: body["memo"] = memo return body