Changelog ========= 4.3.0 ----- Features: * Allow for deleting of smart contracts by transaction type * Add support for publishing signed interchain transactions Development: * Fix tests for python 3.8.1 * Fix integration tests for redisearch update * Fix installation requirements for python 3.4 testing * Fix linting error with new bugbear version * Remove duplicate integration test and fix openfaas logs schema for newer openfaas versions * Remove codeowners 4.2.1 ----- Development: * Modify get status integration test schema to support new ``indexingEnabled`` field * Add/modify integration tests for new smart contract secret restrictions * Deprecate ETC Testnet (morden) 4.2.0 ----- Features: * Add api key permissioning support Documentation: * Modify various client function docstrings to be more accurate Development: * Add integration tests for api key permissions * Modify to only act on code in dragonchain_sdk and tests 4.1.0 ----- Features: * Add Binance interchain support Development: * Add integration tests for Binance feature * Add/Update integration tests for Dragonchain 4.2.0 4.0.1 ----- Packaging: * Officially support python 3.8 in packaged release Development: * Fix unit tests for proper async context mocking with python 3.8+ * Add integration tests for Dragonchain 4.1.0 features and changes 4.0.0 ----- Because Dragonchain has a breaking change to replace its indexing solution, this is also a breaking SDK change for queries and custom indexing. The following are worth noting when transitioning from 3.X.X to 4.X.X: * Custom indexes have changed for a new redisearch schema. Transaction types can no longer be updated, and custom indexes must be provided upfront when creating a transaction type or smart contract. If updating is desired, simply delete and recreate the relevant transaction type/smart contract with the new desired custom indexes. * A transaction type's indexes are now removed when the transaction type is deleted. You can no longer query for transactions from a deleted transaction type (or smart contract). (The transactions still exist and can be retrieved directly by transaction id, they simply can't be searched with a query) * Querying blocks and transactions are completely different, and now use `Redisearch queries `_. Check their client functions for argument reference. Note the response schema of queries remain unchanged. * Smart contract querying has been removed, and instead replaced with a generic ``list_smart_contracts`` which simply returns all contracts. Check `the docs `_ for more details on migrating from v3 to v4. Features: * Support new query endpoints/parameters for redisearch replacement on dragonchain * Support adding custom indexes for smart contracts on creation * Support optionally fetching ids only (not entire documents) for querying * Support list smart contracts * Support disable schedule for ``update_smart_contract`` * Support new smart contract logs endpoint Documentation: * Added docs for migrating from v3 to v4 Development: * Modify integration test suite to integrate with new/modified endpoints Packaging: * Update packaged metadata to indicate supported OS and stable/typed * Enforce stricter rules when building docs 3.3.0 ----- Features: * Add deprecation warnings for ``create_bitcoin_transaction``, ``create_ethereum_transaction`` and ``get_public_blockchain_addresses`` * Add support for new interchain management endpoints * ``create_bitcoin_interchain`` * ``update_bitcoin_interchain`` * ``sign_bitcoin_transaction`` * ``create_ethereum_interchain`` * ``update_ethereum_interchain`` * ``sign_ethereum_transaction`` * ``get_interchain_network`` * ``delete_interchain_network`` * ``list_interchain_networks`` * ``set_default_interchain_network`` * ``get_default_interchain_network`` Packaging: * Moved repository to `new location `_ 3.2.0 ----- Features: * Use new versioned api endpoints * Add support for pending verifications endpoint Packaging: * Specify explicit support for PyPy 3.1.1 ----- Features: * Support the addition of nicknames to api keys on chain Bugs: * Fixed a bug relating to a trailing `/` used in the find command when running unit tests on mac 3.1.0 ----- Features: * Support for async/await with the ``create_aio_client`` function (refer to the docs for more details) Documentation: * Added docs related to asyncio support Packaging: * Added aiohttp as a dependency when installing ``aio`` extras. Install ``dragonchain-sdk[aio]`` for async/await support. 3.0.4 ----- Bugs: * Fixed a bug for ``create_ethereum_transaction`` to work with a custom gas price * Stop sending unsolicited HTTP bodies and Content-Type headers when not necessary Documentation: * Restructure documentation site layout * Add new docs for installation, configuration, getting started, etc (no longer use README.rst for docs) * Added Changelog * Switch to readthedocs theme Packaging: * Added ``typing`` as a dependency for python < 3.5 to fix distribution for python 3.4 * Become compliant with `PEP 561 `_ typing distribution Development: * Added and started enforcing stricter typing * Added a full suite of integration tests * Added code owners which are required for PR review * Added issue and PR templates for github